Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Maybe it's just me, but one thing that IRKS me quite a bit is when people attend professional sporting events, ie: the Arizona Diamondbacks game, and wear completely irrelevant sports clothing. I stare at such folks, pondering the reasoning behind their wardrobe choice. What is it about the Diamondbacks game that made you think: "Well, by golly, this is the PERFECT time to pull on the ole' Dan Majerle jersey, we're going to a baseball game!"  Or the guy, who I have photographic proof of, who not only at some point PURCHASED a Jake Plummer jersey ala 1990's, but threw it on to go see the 2010 DBacks.  There IS a loophole in this, however.  If the jersey/clothing item is of a player that stayed with that team and retired with that team (ie: wearing a Walter Payton jersey to a Bears game), this is perfectly appropriate.  You MUST, however, only wear that jersey to a FOOTBALL game.....and NOT to a Bulls game.  So let's all get our Book of Etiquette for Professional Sporting Events book out and adhere to the rules a little better.  And as for your irrelevant hat, I'll let that one slide.  PLAY BALL!!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

#4----The Phrase "AND WHAT NOT".

This short little diddy makes me cringe.  I have never run into an intelligent person who uses this statement and, unfortunately, those who DO use it usually use it SEVERAL TIMES IN THE SAME SENTENCE. For example:  "So we went to the store and what not, and we bought a bunch of stuff and what not."  This statement is defined by the urban dictionary as:

"A nothing phrase that is used at the start or at the end of a real sentence. . .typically indicating the user is uneducated or on drugs". 

And there you have it, and what not.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

#3---Skinny-Jeaned, Shaggy-Haired Men

I don't think there are many things more IRKSOME to me than a shaggy emo-haired guy wearing super tight skinny jeans.  You know them....always pretending to be brooding, they're sooooo "artistic and serious" (yeah. right.) and they're really into whatever punk bands are relevant for a minute, bands that NO ONE has ever heard of----that is, except for other skinny-jeaned, shaggy-haired she-males.  Who on earth would want one of these pms-ing little boys as a husband?  Who wants a guy who's more emotional than YOU are at that-time-of-the-month?! 


Tuesday, August 17, 2010

#2--Phonetically Texting (Or fontkly txtng)

You know who they are....the ones on your phone list who send you a text that it takes 10 minutes for you to translate. You know, "ey, hw r u J/W wats goin on. avent hurd frm u ina yl. txtme bac! lov ya!"  This is irksome on so many levels.  One, they sound like an idiot teenager. If you are over the age of 15, you should NOT be engaging in this.  Two, it makes them sound retarded.  Especially when this spills over into emails, and God forbid, written word. There have been articles aplenty lately that talk about how texting like this is leading to high-school and even college kids using some of these abbreviations in TERM PAPERS.  As if this current generation needs a reason to look/sound/be any LESS intelligent than us awesome Gen-X'ers!!  So if  ur dng this, pls stp.  It mks u look lk a ttl moron.  tlk2U l8r, gtta go!


Sunday, August 15, 2010


Whether he is shamelessly promoting false hope, getting people to vote for him based on the color of his skin and personality as opposed to actual experience, putting my great-great-great-great grandchildren into debt before they exist, forcing socialized medicine on a country that abhors it, advocating the murder of the unborn, going to Chicago instead of Arlington on Memorial Day, refusing to place his hand over his heart for the national anthem, kissing butt of every nation except the one who voted for him, stuttering "uhhhhh" every two seconds, using a teleprompter to speak to elementary kids, backing muslims building the Ground Zero mosque, nominating she-male radicals to the Supreme Court, or showing disrespect to our military andwar heroes such as John McCain, we are IRKED by Barack Hussein Obama.


Why a blog about things that irk us?  Because we can all relate to the stupid little things that happen and moronic things people say and do. They make us laugh, cause us to shake our heads.....and there's ALOT of them. Welcome!!